(Svenska) Aktuellt i projektet

(Svenska) Svar på COVID-19 från kommissionär Dali

(Svenska) The COVID-19 pandemic is indeed particularly harmful to those who are most vulnerable from a health point of view. Social isolation measures, the risk of infection for bothcare professionals and personswith disabilities,together withthe limited availability of protective material create additional challenges.

(Svenska) Webbinarium – Råd för bättre ömsesidig och hållbar integration i stödet till anhöriga till migranter med normbrytande funktionalitet, den 6:e maj kl.14:30-16:00

عفوا، هذه المدخلة موجودة فقط في Svenska.

DRW and Corona – 8 April 2020 – Corona News in English translated to Arabic

(English) Corona – Covid 19 is a world pandemic and crisis for all countries. This both as the healthcare systems are overloaded and people are dying. We are also in a world economic crisis to which we do not see the end nor grasp the results.