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Author: Erik
(Svenska) Nyhetsbrev #9 2023 Disabled Refugees Welcome – Rätten Till Arbete
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(Svenska) ”Våra” ämnen temat på MR-dagarna
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(Svenska) Nu ska alla inkluderas på arbetsmarknaden!
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(Svenska) Vår tidigare praktikant Marjans masteruppsats
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(Svenska) Två arbetskaféer nästa vecka
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(Svenska) Protestaktion räddade kvar flyktingbarn i Sverige
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(Svenska) Flera potentiella samarbetsparners
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(Svenska) Nyhetsbrev #8 2023 Disabled Refugees Welcome – Rätten Till Arbete
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(Svenska) Hearing om Tidöavtalet: ”Frontalattack mot mänskliga rättigheter”
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(Svenska) Rekordmånga deltagare på första digitala kaféet
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From Kabul to Sweden – close to the North Pole
It was the Swedish authorities who handled the evacuation of employees (mostly women) from the workplace where Ashraf Frugh’s sister worked. In this somewhat fortuitous way, Ashraf ended up in Sweden. That was almost two years ago and now he will work as a volunteer in the project Disabled Refugees Welcome – The right to … Continue reading “From Kabul to Sweden – close to the North Pole”
Come in person or take part online on Wednesday 27 September 16:30-19:00!
We have changed the date for the working meeting. Now you come in person or take part online on Wednesday 27 September 16:30-19:00! It will be in the large conference room at ILI’s and STIL’s offices, Storforsplan 36 in Farsta. Mari Siilsalu, the project’s lawyer, will talk about residence permits and work permits. But of … Continue reading “Come in person or take part online on Wednesday 27 September 16:30-19:00!”
(Svenska) Påminnelse! Tidöavtalshearing och digitalt arbetskafé nästa vecka!!
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(Svenska) Första Arbetskaféet efter semestern
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