Disabled Refugees Welcome

Teamet på mr-dagarna i Helsingborg.

Disabled Refugees Welcome (DRW)  is part of the Independent Living Institute (ILI). We work to improve the reception and integration of migrants and refugees with disabilities in Sweden focusing on jobs and employment.

Contact Rahel, our advisor, with your questions.

Rahel Abebaw Atnafu has her own experience of disability and is well versed in issues of migration, disability rights and work. Born in Ethiopia, her mother tongue is Amharic. She speaks fluent Swedish and English.

Rahel : rahel@independentliving.org, 073 424 22 25 . The telephone is closed during July, instead contact Ashraf Frugh ashraf@independentliving.org

Coming events

Events calendar..

Ca 10 personer från DRV-RTA sitter i skuggan under ett träd i Trekantsparken.(Svenska) Nyhetsbrev #6 2024 Disabled Refugees Welcome – Rätten Till Arbete

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Liselotte Lindberg, när hon undervisar DRW-RTA i Supported Employment.(Svenska) Supported Employment – ett steg att bli mer stödjande i rekryteringsprocessen

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Emil och Tiina i förgrunden lyssnar på berättelser i telefoner.(Svenska) Hårt pressat migrantmuseum  

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(Svenska) ”Göra något för demokratin”

Sorry, this entry is only available in Svenska.

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