Apply for grants from funds and foundations on your way to work and integration in Sweden

Moving to Sweden and starting a new life can be difficult, especially if you have a disability. We at Disabled Refugees Welcome – The Right to Work and Mutual Integration want to support you in getting a job and being part of Swedish society.  Did you know that there are trusts and foundations that can … Continue reading “Apply for grants from funds and foundations on your way to work and integration in Sweden”

Overview of the research on the health-related experiences of migrants with disabilities in the Swedish labour market

Catalina Fipper and Nelly Hölter have written this background paper on the links between migration, disability, employment, and health as part of their internship at the Inpendendent Living Institute participating in the Disabled Refugees Welcome – the right to work project. The paper examines the intersection between these four topics and determines the extent to … Continue reading “Overview of the research on the health-related experiences of migrants with disabilities in the Swedish labour market”

(Svenska) Regional hearing: Tidöavtalet och rätten till hälsa för migranter med funktionsnedsättning

(Svenska) I september har det gått ett år sedan valet 2022. Sedan dess har Tidöavtalet presenterats och vi inom funktionsrättsrörelsen har följt utvecklingen. Funktionsrätt Stockholms län och projektet Disabled Refugees Welcome – Rätten till arbete kallar härmed till en hearing kring vilken påverkan Tidöavtalet kan ha på regional nivå för rätten till hälsa.

Tid och plats
Tisdagen den 19 september, kl. 09.00-12.00
Digitalt via Teams, länk skickas ut till alla anmälda dagen innan (18/9)
Anmäl dig senast den 15 september:

Joint ILI and UNHCR initiative to empower refugees with disability in Sweden

      In October and November 2021 Independent Living Institute (ILI) will conduct a series of workshops that are supported by UNHCR Representation for the Nordic and Baltic Countries. These workshops are to empower refugees with disability in their receiving country – Sweden. The topics to be touched upon are: Disabled Women – Proud … Continue reading “Joint ILI and UNHCR initiative to empower refugees with disability in Sweden”