Moving to Sweden and starting a new life can be difficult, especially if you have a disability. We at Disabled Refugees Welcome – The Right to Work and Mutual Integration want to support you in getting a job and being part of Swedish society. Did you know that there are trusts and foundations that can … Continue reading “Apply for grants from funds and foundations on your way to work and integration in Sweden”
Category: Reference material
(Svenska) Fler tips för jobb – Gruppsamtal hösten 2024
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Tips Book – Discussions using the Appreciative Inquiry method about getting a job as a migrant with a disability in Sweden
“I put together and gathered all the possibilities and used them to get the job I have today” Part of the project Mutual Integration and the Right to Work – a continuation of the Disabled Refugees Welcome project at Independent Living Institute 2024, a report by Emil Erdtman Tips book is available in several languages: … Continue reading “Tips Book – Discussions using the Appreciative Inquiry method about getting a job as a migrant with a disability in Sweden”
Overview of the research on the health-related experiences of migrants with disabilities in the Swedish labour market
Catalina Fipper and Nelly Hölter have written this background paper on the links between migration, disability, employment, and health as part of their internship at the Inpendendent Living Institute participating in the Disabled Refugees Welcome – the right to work project. The paper examines the intersection between these four topics and determines the extent to … Continue reading “Overview of the research on the health-related experiences of migrants with disabilities in the Swedish labour market”
(Svenska) Welcome house: Erbjuder individanpassat stöd
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(Svenska) Welcome house: Oleg Zhylka från Ukraina fick stöd med att hitta funktionshinderorganisationer
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(Svenska) Synlinjen – en supporttjänst av och till personer med synnedsättning
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(Svenska) Stockholmare United – ett projekt om stöd och sammanhang
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(Svenska) Hörselskadades riksförbund: Ibrahim vill stödja fler migranter som lever med hörselskada
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(Svenska) Myndigheten för Delaktighet utvecklade en tillgänglig broschyr tillsammans med funktionsrättsrörelsen
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(Svenska) Mahelet Negussie Abebe var med i Myndigheten för Delaktighets fokusgrupp – “De lyssnade på våra åsikter”
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Cooperation and small-scale – an important key in Härnösand municipality
Härnösand Municipality was given responsibility for helping 75 people who had fled the war in Ukraine. All of the adults have jobs and the children go to school. The municipality has built up a system based on previous experience, commitment and a desire for new arrivals to feel good, say Mikaela Öhlund and Sanna Hellberg … Continue reading “Cooperation and small-scale – an important key in Härnösand municipality”
Alona from Ukraine got a job at the municipal laundry
Seamstress Alona Sapetova and her family fled the war in Ukraine and ended up in Härnösand in Västernorrland. There she works at a laundry and learns sign language in Swedish.
How the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – Article 27 on the right to work and employment, can be used
CRPD ARTICLE 27 – THE RIGHT TO WORK For migrants with disabilities Introduction: The Independent Living Institute (ILI) works to promote opportunities for individuals with disabilities for more personal and political power, self-determination, full participation and equality through information, education, lobby and project activities. ILI is part of the Independent Living movement. Our rights are … Continue reading “How the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – Article 27 on the right to work and employment, can be used”
Berättelsen om Lili
(Svenska) Hej mitt namn är Lili. Jag har en halvsidesförlamning. Joy är min dotter. Tack vare min kompis fick jag information om DRW och kontakt med projektet samt att jag blev aktiv i aktiviteter som photovoicekursen.