Moving to Sweden and starting a new life can be difficult, especially if you have a disability. We at Disabled Refugees Welcome – The Right to Work and Mutual Integration want to support you in getting a job and being part of Swedish society. Did you know that there are trusts and foundations that can … Continue reading “Apply for grants from funds and foundations on your way to work and integration in Sweden”
Tag: ekonomi
(Svenska) Leva billigt
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(Svenska) Fler avslag i Järva
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(Svenska) Ekonomiskt stöd som ny i Sverige
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(Svenska) Anmäl er till nästa Arbetskafé!
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(Svenska) Sök bidrag från Svenska kommittén för rehabilitering!
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(Svenska) Nu ska alla inkluderas på arbetsmarknaden!
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(Svenska) Hearing om Tidöavtalet: ”Frontalattack mot mänskliga rättigheter”
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Information for people with disabilites recently arrived in Sweden
In October last year, we interviewed Josefina Streling, researcher at MFD, the Agency for Participation. She told us about an information booklet for new arrivals with disabilities, being written with the help of Disabled Refugees Welcome – the right to work among others. Now the booklet is ready and can be downloaded from their website. … Continue reading “Information for people with disabilites recently arrived in Sweden”
(Svenska) Bistra möten med Arbetsförmedlingen
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(Svenska) Särbehandlades inte som barn
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Getting a grant from DHR Bidragsstiftelsen!
DHR Bidragsstiftelsen (the grant foundation) awards grants for things that can improve life for people with reduced mobility. The idea is that more people will have a better and richer life.
(Svenska) Vad gör Bidragsstiftelsen?
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