(Svenska) Projektkonferens den 26 november 2020 – Save the Date

(Svenska) Konferensen har som syfte att uppmärksamma livssituationen för migranter med normbrytande funktionalitet i Sverige. De erfarenheter DRW samlat ligger till grund för olika arbetssätt som olika aktörer redan arbetar med, men som fler skulle behöva lära sig av.

(Svenska) Disabled Refugees Welcome-projektets huvudverksamhet har kommit till sitt slut

(Svenska) Projektet DRW som har finansierats av Allmänna Arvsfonden från 2017 till 2020 kommer till sitt slut i december 2020.
Vi vill tacka alla som har varit med och byggd projektet med oss. En särskilt tack till projektets alla deltagare som har delat med sig av sina berättelser om svårigheter och erfarenheter av migration och etablering i Sverige. Tack för att ni trodde på oss!

The reality of Covid 19 for disabled migrants

Many of DRW’s participants, disabled migrants, have more difficulties in getting the daily life to function due to Covid 19. This is due to many things but mainly to inaccessible housing, the lack of social benefits and a lacking social network. Many of these people live in socio-economically marginalised areas and have difficulty leaving their homes leaving them isolated.

Short Impact Report – June 2020

This short impact report offers a glimpse of the work carried out by DRW from September 2017 until June 2020. A goal has been to keep the report short so detail is limited but still given so that the reader can gain a good understanding of the project at hand. The purpose of this document is to be able to spread information on DRW with a hope to find funding for a future national knowledge and support center for disabled migrants.

Short on the webinar: Disabled Refugees and Liberty

On Tuesday, May 5th, the Disabled Refugees Welcome Project (DRW) celebrated with European Network for Independent Living (ENIL) the European Independent Living Day and broadcast live its webinar “Disabled Refugees and Liberty”. Hear what UNHCR’s protection officer – disability inclusion Ricardo Pla Cordero says about their work with migrants with norm-breaking functionality in the EU, … Continue reading “Short on the webinar: Disabled Refugees and Liberty”