Publications and tips

Tips bookTips book – Discussions using the Appreciative Inquiry method about getting a job as a migrant with a disability in Sweden

Tips book has been translated to several languages: swedish -Tips för jobbarabicamharic, and farsi.  These are all available in print.

Finding employment for persons with disabilities who are refugees in Swedenkollage - svenska flagga, rta logga, kvinna i rullstol

How do you get a job in Sweden? What support does the Swedish Public Employment Service offer to people with disabilities and what are the requirements?

Apply for grants from funds and foundations on your way to work and integration in Sweden

Moving to Sweden and starting a new life can be difficult, especially if you have a disability. We at Disabled Refugees Welcome – The Right to Work and Mutual Integration want to support you in getting a job and being part of Swedish society.  Did you know that there are trusts and foundations that can give you money?

Getting a grant from DHR Bidragsstiftelsen!bidragstiftelsen

DHR Bidragsstiftelsen (the grant foundation) awards grants for things that can improve life for people with reduced mobility. The idea is that more people will have a better and richer life.

But note that the application period is only between 1st May and 1st September each year.

How the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – Article 27 on the right to work and employment, can be used.

How does a person who has recently arrived in Sweden, and who has a disability, approach the Swedish labour market, and how can that person get and keep a job? We shall see how the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – Article 27 on the right to work and employment – can be used. We investigate sustainable social solutions through Agenda 2030 and how it is done in other countries and in international regulations. How do you create openings and inclusion in rights for the target group and not lock-in in, or exclusion from, our Swedish regulations/systems?

Print material

The Swedish Agency for Participation (MDF) made a booklet in the beginning of 2023  “For people with a disability who have recently arrived in Sweden”  (we were involved and have the booklet in print)

Broschure (swedish– pdf format)


Flyer (4 languages -pdf format)


Flyer (4 languages  persian, russian, swedish, english-pdf format)

flygblad farsi ryska

CRPD Article 27 – Right to work  – pdf format

CRPD Article 27 - Right to work

CRPD Article 27 – Right to work (arabic) – pdf format

CRPD Article 27 - Right to work -arabic - المادة 27 من اتفاقية حقوق األشخاص

CRPD Article 27 – Right to work (persiska) – pdf format

CRPD Article 27 - Right to work -(persiska)

ILI:s earlier project Disabled Refugees Welcome, 2017-2020 had these goals:

The project will improve the reception of asylum seeker who have disabilities by building a network of government agencies, NGOs and individuals working with asylum seekers. Our partners in this network will refer asylum seekers with disabilities to us and the information we provide, through flyers, social media, a printed guide, email and the project website.

Download our publications from the first project (2017-2020):

Some are available in print
English: DRW – Short Impact Report – June 2020

DRW:s metodhandbok – “Välkommen vem du än är”

DRW:s Informationshandbok: Vägar mot ömsesidig integration

English: DRW’s information handbook – The road to reciprocal integration

Lättläst: Integration för alla | ለአላአ ውህደት

Vägar till kunskap om fonder och stiftelser

Photovoice – English | Photovoice – Svenska | Photovoice – عربى (Arabiska) | Photovoice – አማርኛ (Amhariska)

Flyers (2017-2020):

DRW flyer in swedish

DRW درو flyer

DRW:s nyhetsbrevets arkiv,

Other publications (2017-2020)::

Funding for disabled people

UNHCR’s Resettlement tool assessment for refugees with disabilities

AMiD – Access to services for migrants with disabilities

EDF’s “Toolkit on inclusion of refugees and migrants with disabilities”

Swedish: Länsstyrelsen Stockholm: Rapport 2020:4 – Bostad sist?- Om bosättningslagen och nyanländas boendesituation i Stockholms län

PowerPoint presentations (2017-2020): :

Webinar: Disabled Refugees and Liberty – Celebrating the 5th of May, the European Independent Living Day.