News about the project disabled refugees welcome

Short on the webinar: Disabled Refugees and Liberty

On Tuesday, May 5th, the Disabled Refugees Welcome Project (DRW) celebrated with European Network for Independent Living (ENIL) the European Independent Living Day and broadcast live its webinar “Disabled Refugees and Liberty”. Hear what UNHCR’s protection officer – disability inclusion Ricardo Pla Cordero says about their work with migrants with norm-breaking functionality in the EU, … Continue reading “Short on the webinar: Disabled Refugees and Liberty”

(Svenska) Webbinarium – Råd för bättre ömsesidig och hållbar integration i stödet till anhöriga till migranter med normbrytande funktionalitet, den 6:e maj kl.14:30-16:00

Sorry, this entry is only available in Svenska.

Disabled Refugees and Liberty

Webinar – 5 May 2020 ⋅ 14:00 – 16:00 CET European Independent Living Day Organized by Disabled Refugees Welcome/Independent Living Institute and the European Network on Independent Living Register here  Disabled Refugees Welcome (DRW), a project of Independent Living Institute (ILI) is holding a webinar in cooperation with ENIL – the European Network on Independent Living. … Continue reading “Disabled Refugees and Liberty”