Migrants with refugee status who today would get guarantee-pension will be forced to live on social welfare benefit instead, if the proposals from the Centre Party, the Liberals and the New Moderates are implemented. DRW can today, based on the answers provided in the survey, conclude that half of the political parties lack knowledge about … Continue reading “DRW’s analysis of DRWs survey to the political parties of the Parliament and Feminist Initiative”
News about the project disabled refugees welcome
High hopes for the proposals from the Inquiry on the reception and housing of applicants for asylum and newly arrived migrants
Watch the live broadcasting of DRW’s seminar at the Almedalen Week here Better interviews from the start, and better cooperation between authorities; these were often the proposed solutions to the problems discussed at Disabled Refugees Welcomes’s seminar at the Almedalen Week. Non-normative abilities and needs for support should be identified at an early stage with … Continue reading “High hopes for the proposals from the Inquiry on the reception and housing of applicants for asylum and newly arrived migrants”
Disabled Refugees Welcome at the Almedalen Week!
Welcome, whoever you are? There is a lot of discussions, debates and such about newcomers, migration and integration within today’s political debate. Most people agree that the integration is dysfunctional, but there are varying points of view on how to improve it. However, there is a clear trend of increasing calls for stricter regulations, which … Continue reading “Disabled Refugees Welcome at the Almedalen Week!”
Network visit at Individuell Människohjälp (IM)
On Wednesday the 23rd of May the DRW team visited Individuell Människohjälp. IM is a Swedish development partner that has existed since 1938 and was founded by Brita Holmström. The international work of IM focuses on areas within education, health and self-provision while the emphasis within Sweden is on mutual integration. IM’s underlying methodology is … Continue reading “Network visit at Individuell Människohjälp (IM)”
DRW in Aimday Disability in Uppsala
The 26th of April, Disabled Refugees Welcome, DRW participated in Aimday Disability at SUF Resource Centre in Uppsala. Discussion on disability issues. Aimday is an initiative to enable professionals working with disability issues, individuals with personal experience of disability and researchers to meet and discuss ways to reduce obstacles in society. DRW participated as … Continue reading “DRW in Aimday Disability in Uppsala”
A study about the arabic speaking participants in DRW
DRW interview report: Nine participants with Arabic as a common denominator Introduction: This report is written on the study of the first nine interviews that the Disabled Refugees Welcome project team carried out with people who speak Arabic as a native language or as an official language of the countries they come from. All interviewees … Continue reading “A study about the arabic speaking participants in DRW”
Language, an issue of accessibility
Is the communication between migrants with non-normative abilities and Swedish authorities deficient? At the roundtable dialogue number two with representatives for the Social Services Administration, City of Stockholm, Chavia Ali, field worker within the DRW project described the communication during meetings between newcomers with non-normative abilities and the Swedish authorities. Chavia is DRW’s Arabic speaking … Continue reading “Language, an issue of accessibility”
(Svenska) Nadia Hadad visits Independent Living Institute and the DRW team
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(Svenska) Monthly drop-in
Eritrean visit The 25h of April, Disabled Refugees Welcome got a pleasant surprise when 30 newcomers from Eritrea visited us. It was a good mix of people, where elderly, women, men and families with children shared a common worry – how would they manage in Sweden without support? The day started with an open dialogue … Continue reading “(Svenska) Monthly drop-in”
(Svenska) Kvot-projektet ska se över mottagandet av kvotflyktingar
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Coordination North
The 23rd of April, representatives for DRW participated in a network meeting with Coordination North, an important operator within the field of integration for newcomers in the Stockholm region. Among others, DRW met Josefin Daleskog who is coordinating strategist for the coordination in the north of Stockholm; this is administered by Sollentuna municipality. She told … Continue reading “Coordination North”
(Svenska) Rundabordssamtal del 2:
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(Svenska) Round table del 2
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This month Unheard hero:
The charismatic and positive Hany Hany Hassan Mohamed Nasr is a disabled asylum seeker who came to Sweden seven months ago. Hany came to Sweden via Paris by plane, from France to Holland and then to Sweden. An Egyptian having stayed in Kuwait for one year, he is currently living in one of the asylum … Continue reading “This month Unheard hero:”
The DRW Unheard heroes
Unheard heroes is a series of stories about the Disabled Refugees experiences, feelings, thoughts and wishes. DRW is creating this space as a platform for disabled newcomers in Sweden to express themselves, take place, get place, make place for their voices, thoughts or experiences expressed the best way they can and want to communicate through. … Continue reading “The DRW Unheard heroes”